Media Audit


We conducted an audit of news stories on each of the six communities in our study covering a six-month period from January to June 2022. The objective was to identify and record all or nearly all the stories produced by the 14 media outlets that provide coverage for the six areas. We identified 469 stories in databases such as NewsBank and Newsday Recent and through Advanced Google Boolean site searches of the news organizations themselves, along with hard copies of the weekly newspapers.

Articles and/or broadcasts were each assessed and coded according to issue or topic: crime, education, environment, government, politics, etc. All data points, including the media outlets in which the pieces appeared, the story headlines, and their publication and/or broadcast dates, were recorded in one of four Excel spreadsheets. Results of our audit are found herein.

Westbury Village
Roosevelt CDP
Uniondale CDP
Elmont CDP
Freeport Village
Hempstead Village